Football championships

The ball will be rolling again in 2023

Football season 2023 is coming up and artlogic is anticipating a lot of work for our set up crews on the green field. As in previous years, for example in Italy in 2021, we are looking forward to helping our clients supplying technical services in and around stadiums in several European cities.

The international football tournaments are already scheduled for next year by the football associations. Countries, cities and stadiums for the tournament rounds as well as finals have been announced and we’re happy to have been asked for support yet again.

Thanks to our international network of offices and partners, providing local crew wherever needed throughout Europe is not a problem for us. Even larger crews, such as needed for setting up tasks in major stadiums, can be provided easily with local staff.

Football projects require complex preparations and bookings because of the high security standards and mandatory accreditation of crew members. Those tasks will be coordinated between the office in charge of the project and the respective local partner office.

We are looking forward to the football season 2023.