Interview with – artlogic on their sustainability commitment
artlogic Germany has been a member of the sustainability codex since 2012. Codex members commit themselves to pursuing sustainability while running their businesses in the event industry.
Founder Simon Stürtz and artlogic Germany’s CEO Michaela Linnenbrink shared their ideas and plans on pursuing sustainability, as well as their showcase project One Crew One Tree in’s interview series.
There is a social responsibility as a company for the sustainable use of resources and energy as Simon Stürtz points out. Since 2010 artlogic has been neutralising all CO2 emissions for clients and employees. This is done through CO2 balancing and reduction,
for example by offering only local Crew, which is saving costs and is a lesser burden for the environment at the same time. By making booking and personnel assignments paperless, less resources are being wasted, while also the booking process is sped up which again saves money as Michaela Linnenbrink says.
Both explain how even CO2 compensation is offered through reforestation projects around the globe. They share an update on their project One Crew One Tree.
With this project, artlogic actively encourages their clients to support sustainability by choosing the resources-saving digital booking processes artlogic has developed. For every digital crew checkout for example a tree is being planted. Thus, climate protection is being integrated profoundly into the client company’s processes. So far, the One Crew One Tree project has been able to plant more than 9000 seedlings.
More details on the One Crew One Tree project on our Website: (link to article)
The interview is here (link to